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Small, powerful and good

For HiFi Test issue 4/2024, Christian Bayer tested our nuConnect ampXL, a classic integrated amplifier with modern functions, on a pair of nuVero 60s - a dream team that, according to HiFi Test, you can buy blindly.

His enthusiastic conclusion on the nuConnect ampXL:„So einen Verstärker wünscht man sich als Autor und als Hörer: klein, stark, unkompliziert, top ausgestattet, allürenlos und klanglich fein abgestimmt. Mehr davon.“
[Loose translation: As an author and as a listener, this is the kind of amplifier you want: small, powerful, uncomplicated, well-equipped, without airs and graces and finely tuned in terms of sound. More of it.]

The integrated amplifier receives a score of 1.2 in the reference class from the editorial team and is honoured with the „HiFi Test Price-Performance Tip“.

You can find the complete test as a pdf here for download ...
...and on here ...

To the price-performance tip nuConnect ampXL ...