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Test Results

Nubert products are regularly tested in professional articles and online reviews. Would you like to see the results? Then we can help you with our overview page with chronologically sorted reports. This will give you an objective picture of our products.

New sexiness

nuZeo 6 - best possible price-performance ratio


nuControl X - top notch

Reduced to the essentials

nuZeo 4 - high-powered technology, elaborate cabinet finish

New star in the high-end sky

nuZeo 4 - Active high-end compact speaker

Great ear cinema

nuZeo 11 - Large activator

The ultimate music centre

nuControl X - top-class features and hardware


Every two years, FIDELITY selects the best products honoured

Excellent technical quality and user-friendliness

Speakers with a "cosiness factor"

nuBoxx B-70 - from the lowest to the highest frequencies

Versatile technical fireworks

nuControl X - core piece for every HiFi setup

On "Masterpiece" course

nuZeo 4 - excellent workmanship, outstanding sound

Strong-sounding activists

nuZeo 11 - breaking new ground