nuLine 284
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nuLine 284
- Floorstanding speaker with strong bass foundation and wide stage imaging
- Three-way system for more detail and power handling in bass, mids and treble
- Made for music: linear sound to make your favorite tracks sound authentic
- Ideal in surround as a front speaker for your living room cinema even without subwoofer
- Convinces with sound selector switch, bi-wiring terminal and asymmetrical tweeter
- Made in Germany with clear edges, either noble lacquered or walnut veneered

Simply classic
The nuLine 284 is a milestone in speaker technology. Thanks to elaborate woofers, the flat diaphragm for the midrange and the nuOva tweeter, it is possible to create a sound design that is unparalleled at 113 cm height and 18 cm cabinet width. In the bass, 33 Hz lower cutoff frequency results in a remarkable volume, which is complemented by the midrange driver and tweeter with details and clarity.

Made for stereo
The nuLine 284 achieves a new level of sound detail, making it a clear recommendation for your dream of a high-performance, visually appealing hi-fi system.

At home in the home theater
In the home theater, the nuLine 284 finds a suitable playing partner in the nuLine CS-174 which also relies on 3-way for a maximally homogeneous home theater experience.

Modern 2.1 set
The nuLine 284 comes down to 33 Hz. If that's not enough, the nuSub XW-900 and the XW-1200 from the nuSub-Series offer significantly more bass.

Complete in set
With the matching amplifier nuConnect ampX, the nuLine 284 becomes a customizable and modern system with sufficient power. Our other sets are also more than worth a look.

nuOva tweeter
In the nuLine 284, the tweeter is separated at 2,150 Hz. The nuOva tweeter is a sophisticated high-tech product that has been optimized for minimal resonance. Mainly responsible for this is the damped rear volume chamber, which thus ensures very fast decay. Your advantage: More details and a clear reproduction of music.
The midrange driver of the nuLine 284 operates seamlessly below the tweeter in the range from 33 Hz to 23,000 Hz. It uses a flat diaphragm with a compact diameter that combines detailed mids and homogeneous omnidirectional response. Another big advantage is the interaction with the tweeter, which can work even better due to the almost flush surfaces. Your advantage: impressive voice reproduction with precise localization.
The woofer of the nuLine 284 reproduces the bass part of the music or movie and thus relieves the midrange driver. The longstroke technology in combination with a bass reflex port, the speaker can reproduce a lower cutoff frequency of 33 Hz at almost full level. Your advantage: controlled and linear bass reproduction at all volumes.
The crossover is the control center and heart of the nuLine 284. Durable components ensure accurate reproduction and linear sound for decades. The switches on the back directly influence the crossover, allowing seamless switching between direct or dipole mode. In addition, the crossover features self-resetting fuses that protect the drivers from overload.

Our nuLine series relies on the high-quality lacquer finishes black and white, which are applied in several layers and sanded again and again for a perfect surface finish with a softline edge. The third option is a real highlight: the real wood veneer in walnut. This makes every model a real one-of-a-kind.
In the nuLine series, clear shapes with delicate softline curves give the models a timeless elegance. Acoustic considerations are also at the forefront of the design process, as slightly rounded edges ensure less edge dispersion, as does the asymmetrical arrangement of the tweeters. This is matched by the elaborately calculated metal grille, which has hardly any measurable effect on the sound.
Series overview
Our nuLine series is not only Made in Germany, but also committed to honest sound: All speakers reproduce music neutrally and thus exactly as it was recorded. What's more, with 10 models in this series, we have the greatest variety for all applications, from wall or ceiling speakers, compact and floorstanding speakers to the Dolby Atmos-certified add-on speaker nuLine RS-54. All receive low-frequency support from subwoofers from the nuSub series.

Safety Instructions
Nubert electronic GmbH
Nubertstraße 1, 73529 Schwäbisch Gmünd, Deutschland
Email: Phone: +49 07171 - 8712-0
Safety Instructions
- Turn off the amplifier before connecting the speaker cables.
- Ensure the speaker cables are securely connected.
- Place the speakers only in a dry location.
- Do not expose the speakers to direct sunlight.
- Overloading: The nuLine 284 features internal fuses to protect against amplifier overload. However, note that even a weak amplifier can endanger a speaker. At high volumes, weak amplifiers tend to distort, which places extreme stress on the tweeters. If the sound becomes distorted at a certain volume level, reduce the amplifier's volume setting.
- Tipping Hazard: Due to its slim design, the nuLine 284 is at risk of tipping sideways. It should never be used without the supplied traverse feet.
Cold Weather and Sound
If speakers are shipped and delivered during the cold season, they must acclimate to room temperature. Low temperatures significantly affect the moving parts of a speaker box, such as the diaphragm/voice coil, surround, and spider. These components' ability to follow rapid vibrations or make large excursions is severely limited. While not dangerous, “deep-frozen” speakers will not perform at their best acoustically. Our advice: If your new speakers arrive on a cold winter day, give them a few hours to acclimate. Your Nubert speakers will reward you with the outstanding sound quality you rightly expect from us.
The threaded sockets are for mounting the traverse feet only! They are not designed for tensile loads and must not be used to attach hooks or similar devices for hanging the speakers.
Connection Instructions
Ensure that your amplifier/receiver is turned off before connecting the speakers. Refer to your amplifier/receiver's user manual for specific connection instructions.
Care and Cleaning Tips
Improper handling of the speaker may result in damage.
- Turn off your amplifier before cleaning the speaker and disconnect the speaker cables from the terminal if necessary.
- Before resuming operation, ensure that all connections are correct, no short circuits exist, and the speaker is completely dry.
- Never use harsh cleaning agents or solvents such as gasoline, alcohol, or similar substances.
We recommend using a standard glass cleaner sprayed onto a cotton cloth for cleaning. This will effectively remove most fingerprints and dirt. Alternatively, you can use window cleaning foam. Avoid using microfiber cloths as they may cause micro-scratches. For veneered cabinets, we recommend using appropriate furniture care products.
Membranes and Speaker Drivers
Use a lint-free cotton cloth with gentle pressure to remove dust from the speaker driver. The tweeters in all Nubert speakers are protected by a grille and can also be gently wiped clean. For stubborn dust, a makeup brush from a drugstore can be used.
Do not forget to remove the bridges on the connection terminal! The principle of separate signal supply for bass/midrange and treble areas leads to bi-amping (bi-amping = dual amplifier). This relatively elaborate method requires a preamplifier that can connect to two stereo power amplifiers: one for the bass/midrange and the other for the treble. Bi-amping is intended to provide better driver control and improved precision. However, the effort and results should be carefully considered.

Committed to honest sound
We are a German company that has been developing and selling speakers directly for over 45 years. We stand for neutral reproduction so that you receive exactly the same signal that is present on the source. We add nothing and leave nothing out. We promise! You can find more information about our philosophy here.

Production sites
All nuLine models were perfected by our developers in Schwäbisch Gmünd. Series production then takes place exclusively for us at the Roterring manufacturing plant in North Rhine-Westphalia. This means that our nuVero series speakers are rightly labelled Designed & Made in Germany..

This product as 2nd choice
In some installation locations - for example with rearspeakers behind a curtain - the visual appearance plays a subordinate role, but the function must be guaranteed without restriction. Here, our 2nd choice is the ideal solution for price-conscious customers. These are exhibition items, customer returns or discontinued models with minor signs of use, but which have been technically inspected by our service department. We also give a full 2-year guarantee on the 2nd choice.

X-Remote App
With the Nubert X-Remote app, many functions can be conveniently controlled from your smartphone. In addition to the typical controls for volume and system status, the app allows precise sound adjustments – even using our X-Room Calibration feature on iOS. The app is available for free on the Google Play Store for Android and the Apple App Store for iOS.
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13 February 2025
Was für ein Klang!
Hallo Liebes Nubert Team. Nach langem hin und her hören hab ich mir die Nuline 284 gegönnt. Ich bin erstaunt was für ein sehr schönen Klang sie haben und vor allem sehr Detailverliebt. Sie schaffen in meinem komplizierten Wohnzimmer ein sehr schöne Bühne. Hätte ich so nicht erwartet. Der Tiefgang ist der Wahnsinn. Ein Subwoofer wird gerade Arbeitslos. Ich liebe auch die Vielseitigkeit des Lautsprechers sowohl bei der Musik als auch zum Filme schauen. Man denkt immer man hat mehr als nur Zwei Lautsprecher. Ich danke euch für alles.Sehr schnelle Lieferung auch in die Schweiz. Würde wenn ich zurück könnte die gleichen Lautsprecher wieder bestellen. Mit Musikalischen Grüssen Daniel
9 May 2023
Aller Anfang war schwierig..
Ich habe mir vor kurzem die Nuline 284 gegönnt. Der Anfang wie die Überschrift schon aussagt, war jedoch nicht ganz einfach. Zu allererst, der Versand war rasend schnell, da habe ich mich tatsächlich gefragt, wie so etwas logistisch überhaupt möglich ist. Ich hatte sie am Sonntag bestellt, am Montag kam die Versandbestätigung, am Dienstag waren sie dann schon da. Hut ab! Die Verpackung kam unbeschädigt hier an, die Anleitung sehr ausführlich und der Aufbau war auch allein sehr schnell erledigt. Hörtest: Nach vielen Jahren und ausgiebigem Hörens mit meinen Nubox400, war der Unterschied erst einmal gewöhnungsbedürftig. Die Schallkulisse war anders, aber nicht so viel anders, dass sich ein Wow Effekt einstellte. Gut, ich sagte mir, gebe ich den neuen Boxen erst einmal eine Chance und spiele sie ein. Es änderte sich allerdings nicht viel, auch nach ausgiebigen Hören. Ich habe viel probiert, Kabel, Verbindungen, Zuspieler, Verstärker. Am Ende bin ich dann doch glücklich geworden! Die Lautsprecher sind sehr neutral und ehrlich, dass musste ich selbst feststellen und es ist nicht nur eine Floskel. Ich habe den Verstärker getauscht und siehe da, die Lautsprecher strotzen nur von Räumlichkeit und Präzision, dass in dieser Preisklasse ist mehr als überwältigend. Nach vielem überlegen stand auch der Wechsel auf einen hochwertigen DAC und superlinearem Netzteil für diesen an, beides von Topping DS50s+P50. Angetrieben wird es von einem alten Verstärker von Pioneer aus den 70ern, einen SA8800. Diese Kombi macht mich sowohl akustisch, sowohl auch optisch glücklich. An die Leute die überlegen sich die Lautsprecher zu holen, es ist ganz wichtig mit was für Kost und welcher Hardware die Boxen gefüttert werden. An meinem anderen Pioneer A 676 hören sie sich gebremst an, Lustlos. An dem noch älteren SA lösen sie unglaublich fein auf. Es gibt sie also doch, die hörbaren Unterschiede bei Verstärkern! Die Lautsprecher lösen fein auf, schöne Mitten und der Bass hat Kontur, Tiefe und wirkt nicht aufgebläht. Sehr schön! Das einzige was ich mir noch wünschen würde, dass man selbst die Wahl bei der Gitterfarbe hat, ich finde schwarz schöner in Verbindung mit weiss und muss sie leider seperat dazu ordern. Und wer sich fragt, warum die Gitter mit Haltern auf Abstand und nicht magnetisch an der Box fixiert werden, dass hat wohl mit dem Hub der Basschassis zu tun, die brauchen Abstand wenn sie mal ausholen wollen. Ansonsten, klare Empfehlung, hier macht man nichts falsch. Der WAF spielt hier auch mit rein, dass war das erste Mal das meine Frau nicht über das Design der Boxen gemeckert hatte. ;-)
9 November 2022
Die Beatles stehen bei mir im Wohnzimmer. Um meinen alten Boxen den 30. Jahrestag zu ersparen, habe ich mir ein neues Paar zugelegt. Nubert war mit völlig unbekannt, bin aber beim googeln nach Boxen mit Schutzgitter auf diesen Betrieb gestoßen. Nach den Bewertungen hier und in den Fachmagazinen habe ich mir schon einiges erwartet. Aber DAS nicht. Ich bin begeistert - so eine Kraft und einen tollen Klang für angemessenes Geld. Beratung über Hotline und Versand usw ..... war auch bei mir perfekt. Kann mir nun selbst zur Kaufentscheidung gratulieren und der Firma Nubert für ein ausgezeichnetes Produkt danken.
2 April 2022
nu Line 284
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren , ich bin mit Ihrem Produkt vollstens zufrieden und empfehle Ihre Firma gerne weiter. Ich betreibe die NuLine 284 mit einem Röhrenverstärker ( Opera 880 ) und bin begeistert von den LS. Vielen Dank auch für die "unaufgeregte" Beratung vor und nach dem Kauf, es wurde mir an Telefon sehr genau zugehört, und ich wurde bestens für mein Anliegen und mein Budget beraten. Kürzlich habe ich die Anlage mit einem gebrauchten AW 993 erweitert und nun ist es perfekt für meinen Höhrraum mit ca. 70 qm . Mit freundlichen Grüßen Martin Edtbauer
Technische Informationen
Device type: | Floorstanding loudspeaker |
Width: | 18,0 cm |
Height: | 110,0 cm |
Depth: | 33,0 cm |
Width (additional information): | 24,5 cm (with traverse) |
Height (additional information): | 112,8 cm (with traverse) |
Depth (additional information): | 35,0 cm (with front cover) |
Weight: | 28,5 kg |
Packaging dimensions (W x H x D): | 125,0 cm x 33,0 cm x 52,0 cm |
Shipping weight: | 34,5 kg |
Standard colour: | Real wood veneer |
Color: | Walnut Real Wood Veneer |
Scope of delivery: | nuLine 284, metal cover, traverse feet, speaker cable 2x 0.75 mm² 4 m, operating instructions in German |
EAN / GTIN: | 4260166751345 |
Country of origin: | Germany |
WEEE-Reg. No.: | DE 48888173 |
Construction Method: | Bass reflex |
Construction: | Direct radiator |
System: | 3-way |
Tweeter: | 1x 26 mm |
Tweeter material: | Silk fabric |
Tweeter crossover frequency: | 2.150 Hz |
Midrange speaker: | 1x 123 mm |
Midrange material: | Polypropylene |
Midrange crossover frequency: | 450 Hz |
Woofer: | 3x 150 mm |
Woofer material: | Polypropylene |
Lower cut-off frequency (-3 dB): | 33 Hz |
Upper cut-off frequency (-3 dB): | 23.000 Hz |
Efficiency (2.83V/1m): | 88,5 dB |
Efficiency (1W/1m): | 85,5 dB |
Continuous load capacity: | 330 W |
Pulse load capacity: | 450 W |
Shielding: | Magnetically compensated |
Impedance: | 4 Ohm |
Protection: | Self-resetting fuses |
Tone selector switch Treble: | Yes |
Tone selector Low: | Yes |
Loudspeaker inputs: | 2 |
Bass/treble control: | Sound selector switch |
Box type and recommended use
The nuLine 284 is a successful example of how a floorstanding speaker with a height of just under 115 centimetres and a weight of around 30 kilograms does not have to appear bulky or even clunky. In fact, the opposite is true. With a width of only 18 centimetres, the nuLine 284 has to be described as dainty in relation to its size - after all, our small compact speakers are only marginally narrower. Despite these extremely living-room-friendly dimensions, the nuLine 284 has performance parameters that simply put the fear of God into many much more voluminous models. A peak power handling of 450 watts and a subwoofer-like bass of 33 Hertz will make any ambitious music lover sit up and take notice. The speakers of the nuLine series are developed in Schwäbisch Gmünd and manufactured according to our specifications at a traditional specialist company for sound furniture construction in Germany.
Construction principle and housing
Three-way floorstanding speaker in bass reflex design. The bass reflex port is located at the rear of the cabinet, which is why the speaker should be placed at least 3 centimetres away from a rear wall. The high sound quality of the nuLine 284 is realised with the filter optimisation based on the three-way principle taken from our top series nuVero. In this way, the development team Günther Nubert and Thomas Bien succeeded in significantly increasing the sound purity of conventional three-way designs, especially in the critical mid-range, while at the same time exploiting the fundamental advantage of a more even horizontal dispersion pattern. The very elaborately manufactured cabinet is made of 19 to 38 mm thick veneered or multi-layer lacquered MDF material and is manufactured by an experienced sound furniture specialist in Germany. It has precisely calculated internal stiffeners and damping elements, which effectively reinforce the stability of the already quite solid cabinet walls and effectively prevent sound-damaging natural resonances. To ensure that the rear sound components of the woofers and the midrange driver do not interfere with each other, the midrange driver has its own, acoustically precisely tuned inner cabinet. The elegant solid metal crossbar feet give the speaker a delicate appearance and a stable stand.
In the tweeter range, the nuOva tweeter, newly developed for our nuLine series, is used with special sound guidance and a specially damped rear volume chamber. Its oval front plate makes it possible to further increase the difference in distance between the dome and the cabinet edges compared to the previous asymmetrical Nubert tweeters, which further reduces edge dispersion in the axial direction and noticeably increases clarity in the high frequency range. At the same time, the driver can be moved closer to the mid/bass driver in the perpendicular direction, which is in line with the ideal of a point source without having to accept the disadvantages of a coaxial system. The asymmetrical arrangement of the tweeters means that a "right" and a "left" speaker is always supplied.
Midrange speaker
For the first time Nubert uses a flat diaphragm chassis. At the beginning of the development work, it was confirmed that flat diaphragms were more susceptible to disturbing partial vibrations than similarly sized cone diaphragms. By fine-tuning multi-layer diaphragms that have a honeycomb structure (honeycomb technology), it was possible to shift the disturbing natural resonances step by step to much higher frequency ranges where the radiation is almost completely through the tweeter. Unlike cone speakers, the majority of this optimised midrange driver is flush with the baffle, creating a favourable environment for the adjacent tweeter, which benefits the dispersion characteristics.
Another new development is the 15-centimetre long-stroke woofer, three of which are used in the nuLine 284 floorstanding speaker. This high-tech driver, equipped with a double magnet, enables an optimum ratio of large cone excursion, maximum bass response and amplifier-friendly efficiency. The result is a heavy-duty long-stroke woofer with a polypropylene diaphragm that can deflect up to 20 mm in extreme cases. The six woofers of a pair of nuLine 284 together correspond to the diaphragm area of a stately subwoofer with 30 cm drivers, which makes it clear why this speaker has such a deep and powerful bass foundation. Furthermore, the vertical arrangement of the woofers reduces the occurrence of room resonances (technical term "modes") between the floor and the ceiling.
The crossover of the nuLine 284 is a masterpiece in itself when it comes to filter technology. Here, the signals arriving from the amplifier are divided into three frequency ranges with particular precision using special crossover technology, while the drivers receive their final sonic polish via sophisticated compensation circuits.
In order to be able to realise the quality demands typical of Nubert, no less than 35 high-quality components were necessary, including close-tolerance film capacitors in the midrange and treble range.
The low crossover frequency at 2.2 kHz frees the midrange driver from higher frequencies and, in conjunction with the deliberately small design, ensures exceptionally wide dispersion. An efficient protection circuit watches over the safety of the drivers and the crossover. If there is a risk of thermal overload, it cuts the amplifier current and automatically returns to normal operation once the danger has passed.
Switching options
The upper switch between the terminals of the terminal allows a threefold modification of the high-frequency range from "soft" to "neutral" to "brilliant", which allows the speaker to be individually adapted to different living rooms with more or less textile sound damping or personal listening preferences. With the second tone selector switch, the bass level can be moderately lowered. This switch variant ensures that an undesired increase in the bass level can be compensated for when the speaker is placed close to a wall.
Connection terminal
The extremely solid, gold-plated screw terminals of the bi-wiring terminal are also suitable for cables with a very large cross-section. Bi-wiring terminals allow the tweeter and low/midrange to be connected separately to the amplifier. A measure that can prevent sound loss with long cable lengths. In addition, the sound selector switches described above are located on the terminal.
More info in Technology
For all technically interested music and home cinema lovers who are not put off by hard facts and metrological details, Günther Nubert's ""Technik satt"" offers plenty of technical correlations and electro-acoustic background knowledge as well as the topic of sound optimisation and insights into the development and history of Nubert loudspeakers and devices.